Por: 1996celta/rosafermu ( MADRID - España )

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

BAG OF BONES / SACO DE HUESOS ( Pierce Brosnan fanatic)

In a turn of events, Max Devore commits suicide, causing Mattie and Kyra can live peacefully.
Mike, Mattie, John and ab Ogada who helped Mike during his dispute with his grandfather, along with a detective involved in the arrest of a gunman who attacks the people on the street, fatally wounding saving Mattie Kyra.
A great storm arose under the influence of the ghost of Sarah.
While Kyra sleeps, Mike Jo in the study seeks answers and discover hidden documents before the death of his wife, so find out the relationship with Mike inbred families of the city.
This family, firstborn children with names whose first letter begins with a K, had been killed or died in suspicious circumstances. The genealogy shows that a son of Mike and Jo would be named Kia. Was the next child whose name began with K

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