Por: 1996celta/rosafermu ( MADRID - España )

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

BAG OF BONES / SACO DE HUESOS ( Pierce Brosnan fanatic)

(imagen The Hollywood Reporters)

Mike thinks that everything that happens is motivated by a curse of Sara Tidwell for something she did.
Returning to the house notes that Kyra sleeping peacefully. Deciddo to break the curse of Sarah, for his grave knowing that only with the removal of his bones can break.
Camino is the place where she is buried, the ghosts of my grandfather and several men of the place, from getting to his grave. Through a vision, Mike knows that these men raped and brutally killed Sara, his son Kito drowning in the lake. He knew that all children whose first letter of his name began with K, were the children of those who had appeared with the old Devore.

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